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Therapeutic Thinking

All Rivers staff are trained in Therapeutic Thinking. We used the January 6th INSET to refresh our de-escalation skills and use the Therapeutic Thinking tools to plan for the term ahead. The refresher training was delivered by our in-house team of Therapeutic Thinking Tutors.

Feedback from Rivers staff following the training:-

Staff felt that the training was “well paced”, saying that they “gained knowledge” and that the training was “excellent and relevant” and “very useful to develop thoughts concerning students using therapeutic tools”.

Therapeutic Thinking Hertfordshire

Therapeutic Thinking Hertfordshire is the local authority’s preferred approach to supporting positive behaviour management in schools and settings. The Therapeutic Thinking approach forms part of the authority’s behaviour strategy. It has been agreed by the SEND Executive and forms part of Hertfordshire’s Local Offer.

What is Therapeutic Thinking Hertfordshire?

Therapeutic Thinking Hertfordshire is a therapeutic approach to positive behaviour management and is already well established in many of our education settings and services. The Therapeutic Thinking approach is based on the following principles:

  • Shared focus on inclusion of all children and young people within their educational settings
  • A shared set of values and beliefs
  • Open and shared communication
  • A shared commitment to diversion and de-escalation
  • Shared risk management
  • Shared reparation, reflection and restoration